Kya Baat Ay lyrics - Harrdy Sandhu
Kya Baat Ay song is sung by the singer Harrdy Sandhu and starring by the Harrdy Sandhu, Carolina Moura. Kya Baat Ay lyric is written by the Jaani. The music in this song is given by the B Praak. Mixing of this song is done by the Eric Pillai from (Future Sound of Bombay). Kya Baat Ay song video is Directed by the Arvindr Khaira.
Chief Ad of this song is Harman Buttar and DOP in Muko. The camera operator is: Ali Kucuk and Video are edited under the guidance of Adele Pereira. Kya Baat Ay song is Choreographer by Sahaj Singh, Shreoshi Kumar and the colorist is Shashi. The hair-cut of the Harrdy Sandhu is done by the Alim Hakim and hair is style by the Ali Khan. Kya Baat Ay song is complete under the Uluc Yemen Aslan production.
💨💨Tera mukhda chand da tukda2ខ💨💨
💨💨Ni tere ainak, tere shoeខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat ayខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat ayខ💨💨
💨💨Ni tera kajalខ💨💨
💨💨Karda ae pagalខ💨💨
💨💨Hypnotize kare jatt nuខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat haiខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat haiខ💨💨
💨💨Tere lakk ton tu lagda Karachi diខ💨💨
💨💨Fan marjaniye Bugati diខ💨💨
💨💨Dil kare tere naal banneya ravaanខ💨💨
💨💨Tere jism ‘ch khushboo ilachi diខ💨💨
💨💨Teri akh, te tikha nakkខ💨💨
💨💨Te utton masha’allah munhខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat ayខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat ayខ💨💨
💨💨Ni tera kajalខ💨💨
💨💨Karda ae pagalខ💨💨
💨💨Hypnotize kare jatt nuខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat haiខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat haiខ💨💨
💨💨Tera kangna kangna kangnaខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat aeខ💨💨
💨💨Lakk ni paiyaanខ💨💨
💨💨Paiyaan badi hot marjaniyeខ💨💨
💨💨Tenu tak ke mennuខ💨💨
💨💨Aande gande thought marjaniye (x2)ខ💨💨
💨💨Gallan ne gulabi vich toye nakhroខ💨💨
💨💨Kar de ne munde hoye hoye nakhroខ💨💨
💨💨Jehda tennu takk leve ikk vaar niខ💨💨
💨💨3-4 mahine ta na soye nakhroខ💨💨
💨💨Teri chaal te gallan laalខ💨💨
💨💨Te saari di saari hi tuv💨💨
💨💨Kya baat ayខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat ayខ💨💨
💨💨Ni tera kajalខ💨💨
💨💨Karda ae pagalខ💨💨
💨💨Hypnotize kare jatt nuខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat haiខ💨💨
💨💨Kya baat haiខ💨💨
💨💨Janni.. jaani.. jaani jaani jaaniខ💨💨
💨💨Jaani nu tu aagi ae pasand balliyeខ💨💨
💨💨Tapne nu firey tere kandh balliyeខ💨💨
💨💨Mennu seene naal la leខ💨💨
💨💨Naa keh no! no! noខ💨💨
💨💨Tere bina menu maar du ae thand balliyeខ💨💨
💨💨Ni bull gulabiខ💨💨
💨💨Karrn sharrrabiខ💨💨
💨💨Jutti kar di ae chu chu..ខ💨💨
💨💨Tuhada kangna kangna kangnaខ💨💨
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